Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Refer-A-Friend Offer - Earn a £5 M+S voucher, free!

Why not take advantage of our great ‘Refer-A-Friend’ Offer this September? Just use the ‘Suggest to friends’ button on our Facebook page to introduce your friends to Go2. Should they book a self-catering holiday via Go2 through our September M+S promotion (See ) then not only will they send them an M+S voucher, but we’ll send you a £5 voucher too by way of a thank you! All you need to do is drop us an email at with your name & address, and the name of your friend who is booking. Once we’ve received their claim we’ll send out both vouchers!

N.B. Alas, there's only one voucher per referral... if two people refer the same friend, who then books, the voucher will go to the first referrer from whom we hear. That's fair, isn't it?

Full details of both our Autumn promotions (including those all important terms & conditions) can be found on

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